Simcom SIM808

شناسه محصول: Simcom-SIM808 دسته: برچسب: , , , , , , ,

501,132 تومان

100 عدد در انبار

SIM808 module is a complete Quad-Band GSM/GPRS module which combines GPS technology for satellite navigation. The compact design which integrated GPRS and GPS in a SMT package will significantly save both time and costs for customers to develop GPS enabled applications. Featuring an industry-standard interface and GPS function, it allows variable assets to be tracked seamlessly at any location and anytime with signal coverage.

Specification for GPS

• Receiver type
– 22 tracking /66 acquisition
– channel-GPS L1 C/A code
• Sensitivity
– Tracking: -165 dBm
– Cold starts : -148 dBm
• Time-To-First-Fix
– Cold starts: 32s (typ.)
– Hot starts: <1s
– Warm starts: 3s
• Accuracy-Horizontal position : <2.5m CEP


• 68 SMT pads including
• Analog audio interface
• PCM interface(optional)
• SPI interface (optional)
• RTC backup
• Serial interface
• USB interface
• Interface to external SIM 3V/1.8V
• Keypad interface
• GSM Antenna pad
• Bluetooth Antenna pad
• GPS Antenna pad

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